Hombres G vuelve a m

Men G
Men G
Come back to me
I remember that things were getting bad
after so much time, we stopped talking
just because I'm short, and I don't know how to break-dance...
I remember that you were always late to our pub
and because I arrived earlier I was left without a snack
now I don't eat anything, because I can't feel it be...
Please come back to me, we will go dancing
really, I have learned to break dance!
please... call me-.. .at lunchtime
you already know... I'm here...
ask whoever you want about me...
They'll tell you that I'm sitting leaning on the counter of a bar.
depressed and bitter without drinking and without talking
how could you do it, go with someone else without warning...
I still haven't understood how you went with that one
he will be more handsome but I have more bad temper
and although I am small, I am worth five hundred times more...
Please come back to me, etc...