Horna synkn muiston reell

A breath of holy blood floods my nostrils
The sand has turned moon gray
Darker, now dark, black
As the autumn morning sun rises again
I ride the frost
My breath mists in my eyes
The wind wailing my back is beating
The sand on the beach is exposed
Drenched in deep red
Forever, I think, in the memory of many
J tm morn haunting
Corpses rise from the dead
Island of the cross and sons< br/>Forever, I think, in the minds of many
Hate clouds the thought
But our war is about wisdom
Pts for our brothers
Fight for the land of your birth
For the home and safety of your parents
Priest, pastor or bishop miklie
Crucify your own church
We don't have to give up
There is only one way to the end!
We declare war against the church
There is only one way to the end road!
When the helpless bishop's daughter is first
And even though the last ones died
Bleeding from the body
She lays the parts of her body
I set fire to the Island
Against then the bishop is hanged
To his beloved yard birch
The road leads to cruelty
A dark memory rell