Household undertow

Dirty streets and the unpaved plans
Take me back home to where it all began
I want to fist fight with the good old days
They ditched me for a worse tomorrow
Sweep me up into the undertow
A little more safety - a little more you
I've been feeling not quite not myself
Wake me up - wash me of
I've got lessons to learn
Trust me with this, you don't need to know everything you think you need to know
I've held high the thought of growing old
A pleasant hope to find my home
Why do you run so far past my limits?
Can't you see my open hand and the good things in it?
How you see me eclipses what I've done
Maybe I've misheard my name all along
I can't stand straight, when I'm alone
I've been beaten down with my mistakes
Sweep me up into the undertow
A little more safety - a little more you
I've been feeling not quite not myself
Wake me up - wash me of my selfishness
I've got lessons to learn