Hubert Kah welcome

Don't know what your name is or where you live
read about you in the horoscope.
It says
you come to me
when the moon touches the sun.
On the one hand< br/>I don't believe in it. On the other hand,
I'm already starting to
look at the stars
psychically -
how long do I have to wait here?
When the moon touches the sun
>then I'm only there for you.
When the light seduces the shadow, we are so close to the stars.
Close your eyes
think of me
I'm looking for you telepathically.< br/>Come to me in the dark
psychic -
how long do I have to wait here?
When the moon touches the sun
then I'm only there for you... .
When the moon
when the moon
when the moon
When the moon touches the sun
then I'm only there for you....
When the moon touches the sun
When the light seduces the shadow
When the moon touches the sun
When the light seduces the shadow.