HUDSON foreboding times

Was that an echo or an answer to my call
Will I perish here or be rescued after all
The veil of blue where sea meets sky
Is pierced by sails drifting by
Is this skiff with friend or foe
Should I descend to the shore below
As they approach, my fate turns clear
I see two aboard as the skiff draws near
Turn my back and run
Or stay and hold my ground
I stand tall on this solid rock
As a new courage is found
These foreboding times have brought unrest
A divided land puts all to the test
But hark, the crimson flag is raised
Lets me recall the past few days
This color of the rebel cause
Whos courageous fight for freedom was oppressed
By rulers wearing crowns of gold
Bearers of the royal crest
To those of us fighting to be free
Bound and gagged and brought out to see
Thrown overboard with one last breath:
Crimson flag or bring me death