Human Collapse sunlight

Walls of bile obscuring sun
Stretch from horizon
To invisible stars
In the darkness above
The exhausted earth
There was never any warmth in this air
There was never any color to this sky
Color to this sky
In the painful embrace of the wind
We cast our gaze to the dawn that doesn't come
In the painful embrace of the wind
We turn our gaze to the darkness behind our eyes
Overwhelming mass of dull greyness
Looms over our heads
Extinguishing hope in anyone who dares to take a glance
At the leaden sky before the faint
trace Of Sunlight
In the cold we perceive the warmth of our blood
Through the cold
we walk towards the sunrise of our mind
Red is the sky which we cannot yet see
Soft is the breeze that doesn't reach our skin
But i still know it is there
I still know it is there...