Ialma marmuladas

Give me sorrow and joy
I have two evils at the same time
When sorrow kills me
joy gives me encouragement
My mother, I am dying
Do not bury me in Saghrado
Bury me in Campo Verde
Where my horse pastures
Casa cun ela rascal (2x)
Let him say the word
And now say that he doesn't
Non I want to do you want
Nor of your friendships
Nor of your falsehoods
Covered with falsehoods
The moon sets in Cadiz
And it casts rays in Valencia
br/>Girl, don't take love
Where there is no correspondence
I don't want you to love me
Neither do I love you
I want you to hate me
I hate you too
Sad the afternoon without sun
sad the night without moon
sad is my heart
without any experience
To the jota jota, to the jota hé
I married another
I left you (x3)
to the jota jota, to the jota hé
I am a dark girl and I have to be
the earth to be good
if the woman for the man
must also be dark
turn around ghuapo, turn around
I want to see the cuts
of your jacket (x3)
turn around ghuapo, turn around
Moitos me marmularanhe
because in this moment I sing
I wish God what the children give them
non lles deian outro so much
turn Manueliño , turn around
turn around Manueliño
turn around my love (x3)
turn around Manueliño, turn around
tonight it's going to rain
the moon is peaking
God willing that it rains and it rains
aighua no one falls
between four chains, I'm stuck in it,
between soghra, sister-in-law
grandmother and aunt
( Translation)
I feel grief and happiness
I have two sorrows at the same time
When grief kills me
Happiness cheers me up
Oh my God I'm dying
Don't bury me in consecrated earth
Bury me in the green meadows
Where my horse grazes
Marry her you villain
You promised it to her
And now you say you won't
I don't want your love
Nor your friendship
Nor your sweetness
Stained with lies
The moon sets in Cadiz
And sends rays to Valencia
Girl, don't look for love
Where it is not returned
I don't want you to love me
Nor do I love you
I want you to detest me
And I detest you as well
Sad is an afternoon with no sun
Sad is a night with no moon
Sad is my heart
Lacking all experience
Dance a jota, dance
I will marry someone else
And I will dump you
Dance a jota, dance
The earth must be dark
To be good
Likewise, a woman must be dark
For a man
Turn around handsome, turn around
Because I want to see the pattern
Of you jacket
Turn around handsome, turn around
Many will slander me
Because I what I'm singing now
Let's hope their children
Won 't do the same to them
Turn around Manueliño, turn right around
Turn around Manueliño
Turn around my love
Turn around Manueliño, turn right around
Tonight it's going to rain
The moon is a sickle
Even if God wants it to pour
Not a single drop of rain would fall
I am worn down by four chains
Mother-in-law, sister-in-law, Grandmother and aunt