Ian Thomas open letter to a lover

Now I know that I've been here before
All my breaths are choked by moaning
We drag each other down while underneath the door
Crawls the crazy light of morning
And it dawns on me just how wrong a love can be
How your restless breast deceived the best in me
And I make for to move, for the leave your love behind
For my eyes to pull the rest on out of me
But there's something like your arms pulling back on me
You bragged of all your independent means
How all your money made you freer
And you would criticize my margin and degree
You said i could not be thinner
But now I walk alone and I keep it close to the bone
Ain't no one gonna pick no flesh off me
Did you forget how much you leaned on a rag man like me
You know you beg pretty fucking low for such a queen
And I asked nothing more of you than to care for me
Withold your tongue while your witching hour is near
And withold your deadly conversation
And beware that you might be reborn without your sense to hear
The warning bell's reiteration
For I might reappear by another name you know
And I might wear my face on someone else's bones
And it would bore me to the teeth if I heard that you still spoke
Through the wounded lips of love that's left unknown
And I'd beg your beating blood to be more bold