Il Divo unbreak my heart regresa a mi

Don't abandon me like this
Talking only about you
Come and give me back at last
The smile that is gone
Once again touch your skin
The deep sigh
Let's recover what has been lost
Return to me
Love me again
Erase the pain
That when you left it hit me
When you separated from me
Tell me yes
I don't want to cry
Come back to me
Strange or the love that left
I miss the joy too
I want you to come to me
And love me again
I can't do it anymore If you're not here
You have to get there
My life goes out without you by my side
You don't abandon me like that
Talking yes About you
Give me back the
Passion of your arms
Don't abandon me like that
Talking only about you
Give me back the
Passion ³n of your arms