Imanol cielo

The dreams are gone
You decided
You closed your heart
And you left me behind
Sky looking at the ground
I remember again.
I wanted to stop you
But you left
Being able to have it all
Today you have half.
Sky looking at the ground
I remember again
Sky looking at the ground
I'm back to wake up.
More to love
I have what you are losing
More to love
A flower with feeling
For you.
You returned me
All the details
Of a beautiful story
That is now gone.
Sky looking at the ground
I remember again
Sky looking at the ground
I'm back to wake up.
More to love
I have what you are losing
More to love
A flower with feeling.
For me
Living in a world in that you are not
Living for me
Breaking the hours that go away.
Sky looking at the ground
I remember again
Sky looking at the ground
I return to wake up.
More to love
I have what you are losing
More to love
A flower with feeling.
More to love
I have what you are losing
More to love
A flower with feeling
For you.