Immorgon svartheme

Ghastly mists from the swamp has rose,
Sending shivers down town folks spine.
The stench of fear spreads with the wind.
Dark days give way to despair.
For when the time comes, Svartheme we must defend.
Land of old, beauty and love, our line long descends.
Preserve it we must, keep it from blood, fire and death.
Upon the gods our fate we bestow.
Svartheme beware for times have changed,
Just feel the stir risen deep in the woods.
A large flock of ravens fly,
Dark wings preach this doom that is to befall.
As the sun slowly descends,
Darkness falls in to the realms of men.
Face to face the enemy now stands.
Leave fear no place in your heart.
Gather whichever weapon you can wield.
Prepare to embrace your fate.
Rise! Rise! Rise! For Svartheme.
Fight! Fight! Fight! For Svartheme.
Die! Die! Die! For Svartheme.
Die! Die!
The town walls gleam bright with blood.
Mayhem explodes from all around.
Who dares attack these ancient lands.
An evil host sent straight from hell!
Murderers, rapists, plunderers and worst I would dare.
Our riches stolen, our women raped
And our children slaughtered.
The whole town reduced to smoke,
Stone, fire and ruin.
What shall become now of this new barren land?
This slaughter must we avenge,
However few of us remain.
Curse this scum who performed such act.
Upon our ancient, rich and beautiful land.
Our wrath unleashed you'll meet.
One by one your lives we'll take.
Flee you bastards while you can.
Soon your days to an end will come.
Rise! Rise! Rise! For Svartheme...