Immortal Souls edge of the frost

Edge of the Frost
I wander through the wind and snow deeper into the unknown;
Old spruce trees and the sights of snowy fields I pass by;
The forest of my mind.
With fear I look the shapes and silhouettes;
One of them I stop to stare.
Black eyes of night looking back at me;
Raven of despair.
I stare into raven's eyes and see reflection of my life;
I see the sorrow and the tears, the demons of my fears;
Memories that tear.
The snow glimmers like stars before my eyes;
The glow of my fate.
Black eyes of night looking back at me;
Raven of hate.
Raven. On the edge of the frost;
I still remember it's eyes black as night;
Raven. On the edge of the dark;
I can still feel it's cold eyes upon me;
I wish the visions be gone and to see them nevermore;
As in the dark appers a light, the red of sunrise;
The filtering light.
Raven breaks the silence with a shriek;
And spreads it's black wings.
The grace releases me from my pain;
Raven of grief.
Raven. On the edge of the frost;
I still remember it's eyes black as night;
Raven. On the edge of the dark;
I can still feel it's cold eyes upon me;