Impiety commanding death destroy

Welcome to my world of Blasphemy,
An unbound fury of apocalypse,
Conjurer of storms, I must command
Decree to obliterate
This very day, I make kingdoms fall,
Tenacious terror, demonstrated force
Beheading masses, sacred blood must spill,
Slay, Crush & Die
Unrelenting tide of genocide, Legions summoned to decimate,
Weapons of steel, Descending tyrants, Ironwill to Flagellate
Cremation winds, proclamation of wrath, celebrate the stench of flesh
Chaos unto Chaos, Hatred unto all!
Sound the charge, Armageddon waged, Devastate in fierce rampage
Pillars of faith disentegrate, Empires of God succumbed to fate,
Chasity made so impure, congregation of white lie waste in red,
Directive to cleanse, Directive to kill,
My armies now strike, the order to spill,
Blood of the pious, torrential flow in rivers below...
Cessation of mortal life, warrant issued, allegiance sworn
Praising carnage, rise up in heresy,vengeance driven
Gladiatorial infamy
Discharging death, Commence destroy!
Damnation's beast now colide, inflict demise
They Dominate,
Horned sentinels launch their savage heathen raids
Commanding Death,
Death & Destroy!