In Extremo das bittere geschenk

There behind the dunes by the roaring sea
There stands the urchin with his jacket full of tar
Or was it bad luck in his dress
What has divided people from the beginning
Just like the waves divide boats swing
Man and woman pretend to be at night
They are made for each other
There is also a little bitch in Fischer's wife
Where the dunes give way to the waves
Hold your whistle the wind
On all paths
I have my blessing
Since the new moon will bring you back
She speaks Hey Captain, tell the Sailerboy
I was only with him on the new moon faithful
The bitter gift from that night
She has also given it to others before
The whistle burns when she says goodbye
A drop sticks to the sailor's shirt
Always remember where you are taking it
For not only good but also evil you will awaken
Where the dunes give way to the waves
Hold your whistle to the wind
On all paths
Have my blessing
Since the new moon brings you back
Where the dunes give way to the waves
Hold your whistle to the wind
On all paths
I have my blessing
There the new moon will bring you back