In Extremo glck auf erden

Where two people love deeply
The seed falls on rich ground
I want to cradle it in my arms
Don't just praise its growth
I always considered myself wise
I just didn't know it
For life you need both tracks
Father's strength and mother's breast
Never give up hope
It will be okay
Things take their course
It will be okay
You are my happiness on earth
For you I will fight like an animal
You alone shall inherit it
That is why I go before you< br/>When the inner voices called me
Becomes clear to me through tears
Listen to the senses that were asleep for decades
My lips kiss your hair
When the view matures into clarity< br/>The little hand grips my fingers
Thrive with you
I can forgive you for everything now
Just looking at you
Instead of turning my life backwards
Makes it easy to walk in front of you
I don't want to see you die