In My Embrace into oblivion dead to dust descend pt 2

Slay the breathing, drain them of blood.
Nail them to their fate, for eternity.
Give them pledge, without fulfilment.
Give them hope, without any response.
A rebel against their mindlessness.
Condemned to the darkest of halls.
Still I hate – and I want them to wither away!
Still I hate – buried in the ground for the final decay!
I admire life, oh truly I do.
The creation is a work of art and the forces in nature too.
No painting can be filled, with such splendid elegance.
No picture can capture life's grand attributes.
In that sense, I love what I do.
Because as life's opposite, death is beautiful too.
And the fear that I create, as you know what will come.
That really fills me with life, as I watch you die.
- I watch you die.
Still I hate – feel the wickedness grow within!
Still I hate – you will be dust forever, in your eternal grave!
Oh I admire life, truly I do.
The creation is a work of art and the forces in nature too.
No painting can be filled, with such splendid elegance.
No picture can capture life´s grand attributes.