Independents 4 Independence red and white brigade

Ha, Ha, Hut Hut Hut, Ha!
We battled in the borrow!
We fought in the great war!
Bo mo han, winmery great france was ready on shores.
We fought and died in korea
We fought and died in nam
The places we canot say from home and forword lands
We are canadians!
up their in the north!
We stand for peace and freedom
and if we must we'l go to war
The best their is at what we do
with that make no mistake!
We are the serving men and women in the Red and white Brigade!
We are the mighty proud candians of the Red and White
Hup, Hup, Hep, HA,
Hup, Hup, Hep, HA
We stood out ground in sight form 64 to 93
An in that time 27 died all in the name of peace!
We did the balcon and the congos, sudan, smolea an goldlands, perin gulf, iraq, rowanda and now afganistand
We are canadians!
up their in the north!
We stand for peace and freedom
and if we must we'l go to war
The best their is at what we do
with that make no mistake!
We are the serving men and women in the Red and white Brigade!
We are the mighty proud candians of the Red and White
Hup, Hup, Hep, HA,
Hup, Hup, Hep, HA
We might be small in number, an not the best equiped
But we make it work with what we have, thats just the way it is
So when you see the maple leaf proudly flying in the sky
No questions asked, we are kicke'n ass
We are canadians!
up their in the north!
We stand for peace and freedom
and if we must we'l go to war
The best their is at what we do
with that make no mistake!
We are the serving men and women in the Red and white Brigade!
We are the mighty proud candians of the Red and White
Hup, Hup, Hep, HA,
Hup, Hup, Hep, HA
Canadian Pride FTW!