insignificant other buildings

we will build until our arms break
then we'll laugh until we cry
then we'll cry until our tears become a creek
and the creek will flow
until our paper boats
become a dam
and we'll cry because we know
we'll never get it back
so why,
why do we build such beautiful things
just to break them down?
why'd we spend so much time
building up to the sky
just to burn this to the ground
and you'll smoke until your lungs collapse
and you'll drink until you're dead
and i'll die along with you
when you
are the bullet in your head
and we'll cry because we know
all this could have been avoided
but you'll take me down with you
i should have saved myself instead
so why,
why do we build such beautiful things
just to break them down?
why'd we spend so much time
building up to the sky
just to burn this to the ground