Invoker lost alone

I cannot sleep,
nor can I breath
I keep falling
I keep falling
Repeat the same torture again and again
again and again.
Set me free
before my demons overcome me.
All these feelings are foreign
and I hate to feel this.
I hate to feel me,
I hate myself
and I begin to hate the world around me
and I always swore myself
to never feel like this
Look me in my eyes
tell me this is real.
Look me in my eyes
can't you see how I feel?
This won't be everything
this won't be all I give
how can I crawl back
how can I crawl back by myself?
I'll force you to cut your name on my chest.
Life got it's meaning on the day
I looked in your eyes for the first time,
life lost it's meaning on the day
you said goodbye.
I lay down on my rooms floor
pretending to be in your bed
with your head resting on my chest
how we used to.
I am still questioning myself
was it all worth it?
Was it all worth it?
What if this story had a different end?
A different end.