Ironhand creationist carotid mix

I don't see it
Even though my vision's pure
You can't prove this
Asinine hypothesis
You would have to
Invert the world to prove your faith
You call this logic
Because creation isn't
Cast it down and mature
Childhood is behind you now
You know better, at least you should
Open your eyes and join the real world
Logic, reason
Not enough that walk this path
Your god is gone
Nevermind he wasn't here
Your eyes are fogged
You can't see past
Your own fear
Mindset maligned
Insecure view of the world
Instant mankind
Heresy is proof enough
Instant universe
From the mind of a ghostly fiend
You call this true
Because creation isn't
Cast it down and mature
Childhood is behind you now
You know better, at least you should
Open your eyes and join the real world