Ismael Serrano la cita

You looked towards the end of the bar
at a thin, platinum blonde
in a tight dress smoking
a Ducados. "What do I do?", you asked.
"Tell him anything,
if you don't sleep at home tonight, I owe you a drink."
You threatened to go,
"But hey kid, how come you have doubts?"
"Do you know what I'm telling you? I'll pass on the blonde.
Tonight I'll stay by your side,
I want to be with you.
Boss, give your friend what you ask here."
Madrid was a bonfire and we were incendiaries,
howling into the night like lone wolves.
Madrid was a hell and we are the devil,
run or our trident will have pierced you.
When that nightclub bouncer
decided upon seeing me that I was not
fit to enter his premises tacky
I told him: "Do you see my colleague?
He was in prison
because a guy like you got shot for less."
But the doorman, not even with those .
Laughing we went to the bar across the street,
to get drunk, to curse women.
"You know, it wouldn't be bad at all,
after ten years ,
in this same joint we will meet."
And the deal was closed. "At this same hour". "I'll be here."
We toasted with beer and dawn broke.
The farewell was short. "Take care!" "See you!"
"Remember, in ten years you have a date."
And time passed so quickly,
after the race I lost track of you.
br/>I never heard anything about your life again,
one day a guy told me that he had seen you
seducing a femme fatale at the bar of a bar.
Me, meanwhile, putting up with it.
From time to time they let me play somewhere.
Since you left nothing is the same.
From then on I have nothing left,
only small battles
that I previously thought won, that I will lose tomorrow.
Madrid was a bonfire and we were incendiaries,
howling into the night like lone wolves.
Madrid was hell and we were the devil,
run or our trident will have pierced you.
At the age of ten, punctually,
in that bar I will wait for you impatiently.
Not much has changed there,
a doorman like the one from then,
today he denies the way
a couple of friends, they seem drunk.
Hours pass while you I hope,
thousands of memories hit my head.
Hours pass and you do not appear,
time wins all battles.
Hours pass and nothing remains of you,
just a blonde looking at me at the foot of the bar.
Hours go by, I decide to leave and you didn't come,
maybe I'll say something to the blonde before I leave.
Before I go.