Ismo Alanko extaasiin

Ismo Alanko
To ecstasy
When your velvet hand caresses the sensitive parts of my stomach
I am free in ecstasy without glittering chemistry
when soft lips travel along the cracks of my skin hair
I'm free in ecstasy with you
I've heard ugly stories about animals and people
I've seen the sun rise in the west at night
I've swam my eyes in ugliness this evening
and when I add it all up I repeat the ancient phrase
I believe in love
In ecstasy
there is a small path through the wild rainforest
it rains love there, sometimes too much
To ecstasy
there takes warmth skin against another
without moving
century after century knows it
To ecstasy, ecstasy < br/>Even though I never made a big dream come true
I am free in ecstasy without mammon
Even if I am already buried in the cold chains of the earth
I am free in ecstasy with you
I have seen an ugly vision alive sucking and people
heard how the horns rise to the sky in the evenings
I've been swimming my eyes in ugliness this evening
and when I add it all up I repeat the ancient phrase < br/>I believe in love
In ecstasy
there is a small path through a wild rain forest
there it rains too much love sometimes
In ecstasy
there is warm skin against another
without moving
century after century knows it
Ecstasy, Ecstasy