Ivan Lins cartomante

I. Lins - V. Martins)
These days, it's good to protect yourself
Offer your face to whoever
These days, be calm
No matter what If there is, think about your children
Don't go to bars, forget your friends
Don't stop in the squares, don't be in danger
Don't talk about the fear we have of life
Don't put your finger on in our wound
These days, don't give them a reason
Because in truth I want you alive
Be patient, God is with you
God is with us up to our necks
It's already written, it's already predicted
By all the seers, by the fortune tellers
It's all in the cards, in all the stars
In the game of shells and in the prophecies
The king falls of spades, the king of diamonds falls
The king of clubs falls, falls, nothing remains
The king of spades falls, the king of diamonds falls
The king of clubs falls, falls, nothing remains
Andr Velloso - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil