Jaguares huracan

You know I can't bleed my eyes out
That I don't even want to re-stretch my pupils
And you still want more
You know I can't breathe under the sea
And you want me to get lost among the pearls
Your whims are abysmal, and you still ask me for more
Better let me crawl finely in your desires
You know that there is no me Hidden mysteries
Than despair locked in a mirror
And you don't want to accept it
Better let me kill your bitter obsession
Hurricane Don't stop me, let me out
I want to break prejudices and get away from you
I don't want to see any more stones in my bed
I don't want to see anymore more stones in my bed
You know that property never signed a love deed
That purity is natural and blood is a ritual
And you You didn't want to see
You know that I don't exist in the mantle of the submissive
That the thought hurts me, that I evaporate in eclipses
And you want to tame me
Better day Let me gently kidnap your pleasures Hurricane, don't stop me, let me out I want to break prejudices and get away from you I don't want to see anymore ¡s stones in my bed
I don't want to see more stones in my bed