Jake Mack Trio new constitution

V. 1
All the money in the world couldn’t buy it out of a paper bag
The gold-collared capitalist sold your vote for the life you should’ve had
The job you lost just won him a future already in the bag
Hand over fist - your dollars, your plans, fade to black
We think that the world is okay if they say it is
And the cash we save is how we buy our bliss
And the love we gave is soaked in the piss
Of a man who’s got coins in his eyes
We want to meet the puppeteer here, who’s the one swimming in stacks
That should’ve been a poor kid’s clothes, not his rolls, not her fine Coach bag (trademark)
He works the factory floor, 70 hours or more with their saddles on his back
While he pays for the overpriced shack he lost in the housing crash
Bridge: (ascending chord progr.)
Can all of our love slow this machine
Can we pull down the golden calf turned green
Whole-hearted revolution
We write the terms of the new constitution