Jan Hellriegel westy girls

So you see
'I had a problem'
You hated my jokes
So you left me standing
When I found out
I had to move south
Couldn't speak for at least two years
But now I'm up here
And the Westy Gals escape their time
They've got their .00 bottles of wine
And they're feeling pretty mean towards your kind
Who wouldn't be
A permanent loathing
Ingrained in the memory
Which I just can't seem to shake off
It's bitter and it's twisted
It's writhing inside me
It's becoming part of my make up
And the Westy Gals escape their time
They've got their .00 bottles of wine
And they're feeling pretty mean towards your kind
Who wouldn't be
I'll never go back there
But I never can leave
It's like these nicotine stains
Forming on my teeth
But I will never do it again
I will never do what I did
I will never ever change my name
For no man
And the Westy Gals escape their time
They've got their .00 bottles of wine
So who needs your kind
Who needs your kind
Tell me who needs your kind
Who needs your kind