Jesse Dee had me goin

You set up my dominoes on a slippery slope
You had me waiting for the push
Had me ----- and -----
Guess I'm just a wishful thinker
And you just give looks
But before you stop well,
You threw a match
on my gasoline soul
But before it had,
I chanced to catch it
And I threw it back
In a song
And then another
And a few more
Then it started looking bad
And you would stop coming home
Now every morning
In my mind I write
And I just wanna say
It's you I think
I just want to add
Another note
To the court
I just wanted to -----
I just wanted it to plan just right
Since you last showed up I've changed the strings
And now they are new
But sometimes they still fall out of tune
But somewhere in their tone now it's you