Jessika Zen a fortunate pirate

Like a lucky pirate
he smiles
What a treasure in the dark
he found
Suddenly he saw a great yellow from the blue
A deep green sea above of him, who grew grew
Love is an endless story they say
This chaos that could never make it until
Like a little storm brewing in your cup of tea cup of tea
Wider than the sea
Just like in Ancient Egypt, the sphinx that flies, that flies
build the Pyramids as high as the great pyramids of Giza
Like a song by Djavan
Like a melody by Satie
Like a rhythm by Olodum
From the big drum part
Like a lucky pirate
he smiles
What a treasure in the darkness
he found
Suddenly he saw a great yellow from the blue
A deep green sea above him, which grew that grew
br/>Love is an endless story they say
This chaos that could never make it until
Like a little storm brewing in your teapot
A fortunate smile pirates
What a treasure in the dark
he found
Suddenly he saw a large, yellow blue
A deep green sea upon it, it grew & grew
Love is an endless story they tell
The chaos could one can never make up
Like a small storm brewing in your tea cup
Broader than the sea
Just as in Ancient Egypt, the Sphinx flying, flying
He builds the Pyramids as high as the great pyramids of Giza
As a song by Djavan
As a melody by Satie
Like the rhythm of Olodum
From the large part of their big drum
A fortunate pirate smiles
What a treasure in the dark
he found
Suddenly he saw a large, yellow blue
A deep green sea upon it, it grew & grew
Love is an endless story they tell
The chaos could one can never make up
Like a small storm brewing in your tea cup
Broader than the sea
Just as in Ancient Egypt, the Sphinx flying, flying
He builds the Pyramids as high as the great pyramids of Giza