Joan Baez el preso numero nueve

Joan Baez
Prisoner number nine is going to be confessed
he is praying in the cell with the prison priest
because before this dawn, his life will be taken
because he killed his wife and a disloyal friend
He says, thus, when confessing "I killed them, yes sir
and if I am born again, I will kill them again
Father I do not regret it, nor I'm afraid of eternity
I know that up in heaven the supreme being will judge us
I'm going to follow in their footsteps, I'm going to look for them in the afterlife."
oh. yayayayayyyyy
Prisoner number nine was a very honest man
he went to his hut on the night of the duel, very happy
but when he looked at his love, in the arms of his rival,
The resentment burned in his chest and he could not hold it.
when the bugle sounded, the platoon was formed
and heading towards the wall, the prisoner is heard saying:
Father, I do not regret it, nor Eternity scares me
I know that there in heaven the supreme being will judge us
I am going to follow in their footsteps, I am going to look for them in the afterlife.
Oh. yayayayayyyyy yaay