Joan Sebastian mayra

I dedicate this song to Mayra Isabel Angel Bonilla
I'm going to light a hundred candles
to Santa Ines so she can help me.
To get Mayra's love
since without candles I can't I was able to.
I'm going to say a hundred rosaries
which is five thousand birds.
It also helps that I get distracted
because I think about her nights and days.
If not even the candles, neither the rosaries nor the saint intercede,
I'm leaving town, I'll leave for a while and let my Mayrita stay.
If neither the candles nor the rosaries nor the saint intercede,
I'm leaving I'm going to leave town for a while and let my little girl stay.
Today I'm going to light one hundred candles
for Santa Ines one hundred for San Mateo,
I'm becoming very religious
although in The truth is that I have never been an atheist.
I will give a hundred to Saint Agnes,
a hundred to Saint Matthew, a hundred to Saint Anthony,
and between the three of them they will perform a miracle for me
I will propose to mayra marriage.
If neither the candles nor the rosaries nor the saints intercede,
I am leaving the town, I am leaving my Mayra forever, they will say goodbye to me.
If neither the candles nor the rosaries nor the Saints intercede,
I am leaving the town, I am leaving my Mayra forever, they are saying goodbye to me.
They are saying goodbye to my Mayra.
I am leaving the town, I am leaving my Mayra forever, they are saying goodbye to me.
I am leaving the town, I am leaving my Mayra forever, they are saying goodbye to me.
br/>we see you there buddy