Joaquin Sabina ahora que

Now that we kiss so slowly
Now that I learn ballroom dancing
Now that a pension is a palace
Where there is never a lack of space
For more than a heart
Now that the flower girls greet me
Now that I have a doctorate in lingerie
Now that I undress you and you undress me
And, at the season of doubts
A commuter train dies
Now that we stay in bed
Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays
Now that I don't remember the pajamas
Not even I cut out the crossword puzzle
I won't even kill myself if you leave
Now that I have a soul
That I didn't have
Now that clapping sounds
For joy
Now that nothing is sacred
Nor, when it's wet
It's still raining
Now that we're making waves
To bother
Now that she's so alone
Now that, all the stories
They seem like the story
Of never starting
Now that you give us another one and what is due
Now that the The world is newly painted
Now that the storms are so brief
And the duels do not dare
To hurt us too much
Now that it is so oblivion far away
Now that I perfume myself every day
Now that, without knowing, we have known
To love each other, as we should
Without loving each other yet
Now the weeks pass by
Fleeting, like stars of Baghdad
Now that, almost always, I feel like
To climb to your window
And take off my mask
Now that the senses
They feel without fear
Now that I say goodbye
But I stay
Now that they touch the eyes
That they look at the mouths
That the fingers scream< br/>Now that there are no vaccines
No litanies
Now that it is on the moon
The police
Now that cars explode
How I dream at night
How I sleep during the day
Now that I'm not writing to you
When I'm leaving
Now that I'm more alive
Of what I am
Now that nothing is urgent
That everything is present
That there is bread for today
Now that I do not ask you
What you give me
Now that I don't measure myself
With others
Now that, all the stories
They seem like the story
Of never starting