Joaquin Sabina cuernos

If like me you are
one of those who prefer
the pleasures offered by
women over thirty
among the married ones
look for your loved ones
the cuckolds will put their salt and pepper on your pillow
you have to get your husband to be a cuckold commissioner's wife
what are you going to do naked in the closet
of a guy who is armed with two...
horns, horns, horns
always so modern
horns, horns, horns
is the solution
put a pair of horns
to your depression
in such matters
social classes
compete but always stand out
the noble upper class
the ladies with
rank and position
if they do not adorn the man's forehead
they notice that something is missing
but they do not lead the debauchery
to play the rooster in someone else's corral
of some working-class Cinderella
and even less so if the husband is a chalao
aside from being a beaten cuckold
he becomes done a beast with two...
horns, horns, horns
always so modern
horns, horns, horns
is the solution
put a pair of horns
to your depression
pass with prudence
if you want to seduce a wife
funky and postmodern
has a bad temper
who on the third cubata
falls asleep in the armchair
and you are there with your tail between your legs
nothing better than a good executive
apostle of intensive programs
and starched like a suit
Choose from all the husbands
that unhappy man who is always together
and always traveling with two...
horns, horns, horns
always so modern
horns, horns, horns
is the solution
put a pair of horns
to your depression x2