Joe Dassin les dalton

Listen, good people, to the cruel
And painful story of the Dalton brothers
Who were the incarnation of evil
And let this serve as an example
To all those whom the devil cast aside on the straight and narrow.
Little ones at school
Instead of pencils they had files
As ties, linen ropes
Don't be surprised, if their very first crime
Was making their mother die of grief
Tagada, tagada, there are the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, there are the Daltons
They were the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, and there's no one left
The years passed
They managed to catch rabies
And tie up the doctor who gave the vaccines
And then contaminated the people in the neighborhood
Having fun biting them, they blamed the dogs
Tagada, tagada, here come the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, here come the Daltons
They were the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, and there's no one left
They became men
A piece of advice, my friend, before you meet them
Kiss your wife, hold my hand hand
Quick on life will make you sure
Cut your throat and throw yourself under the train
Tagada, tagada, here come the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, there you go the Daltons
They were the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, and there is no one left
But Justice was watching
Like every day their heads increased by twenty centimes
American cents
How vain and greedy they were for money
They gave themselves up to receive the bonus
Because they were even more stupid than evil
Tagada , tagada, there are the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, there are the Daltons
It was the Daltons
Tagada, tagada, and there is no one left