Johnny Hallyday fille de la nuit

When I arrived in your town
I only saw you in the dark night
And I felt in my lower abdomen
Like a flame
A flame that burned me all night
I want you, I want you
Daughter of the night
I want you, I want you
Daughter of the night
I searched for you all over the city
Looking for your face in the dark
And I had it in my throat
Tight e like a ball
A ball that even stopped me from drinking
I want you, I want you
Daughter of the night
I want you, I want you want
Daughter of the night
Oh! I would trade all the girls
To see you again, I want to have you
I finally found you in the city
Long and blonde and naked
br/>On your black bed and I tore you apart
Like a fragile flower
I had you and it's my greatest victory
I got you, I got you
Daughter of the night
I got you, I got you
Daughter of the night