Johnny Indovina i love the way you see the world

I love the way you see the world It seems as thought you speak for me
You ask the questions I won't ask And let me find the answers easily
I love the way I feel not so alone As if you've stood there by my
side At times when I felt so desperately A man not even worth a dime.
It seems as thought you speak for me
A broken heart, or broken dreams
Just how simple you make it seem
I love the way you see the world
If i could see through your eyes
If i could tell the tales you tell so effortlessly With pen and hand
I would fight that war of words To the victor go the spoils,
I understand I listen hard,
i read aloud And in my weakness still
stand proud And love the way you see the world.
And so many miles away
The writers stares lost to the sky Void of
word, thougth or care No confort in his reasons why.
Now wait, I'm but a dreamers son I justify, I scheme,
but I don't know When all fall,
we all find a way to stand again And
leave the pain of yesterdays at our feet.
All my words I give to you I've thrown them
out for something new Another way to see the world