Jonathan Jones community group

Community group on Tuesday,
Brought a dish that my mother made,
There's strangers in a room,
There's bibles everywhere,
There you were in an orange t-shirt,
Not my color but for you it worked,
Two strangers in a room,
There's bibles everywhere,
And then you played your cards so cool,
You took your time to make a move,
Twenty seven years to meet,
At Tuesday night community group,
Love, this is love, and you're all I've waited for,
Love, this is love, and you're all I've waited for,
Made some time for a slice of pie,
Drove eighty miles on a winters night,
Met your mom, met your mom and dad,
Hung around till they asked me back,
Your father shook my hand,
You mother she sat me down,
Your dog he barked at me,
I didn't have food,
Love, this is love, and its all I've waited for,
Love, this is love, and you're all I've waited for,
Oh you pulled me out of a burning house,
Broke the spell that had kept me down,
Love, this is love and you're all I've waited for
Community group on tuesday,
Community group on tuesday,
Brought a dish that my mother made,
And there you were.