Juan Gabriel si dios me ayuda

If God helps me, I promise you my life,
To return to you, to give you much more
I have a thousand dreams, to share with you,
And to make them come true, God will help me
br/>I only ask you to wait a little for me
Do not despair, because very soon you will know
That the sacrifice, of being far away, and not seeing you
It is a sacrifice to give you, a lot more
I miss you so much, my life, so, so much
There are moments when I can't take it anymore
I want to look at you, hug you, and kiss you
Then I will be yours, and I will return again
If God helps me...
I only ask you to wait for me a little
Now that I have the opportunity,
If God helps me Help, I will return to you life
To love you, to give you much more
I miss you so much, my life, so much, so much
There are moments when I can't take it anymore
I want to look at you, hug you, and kiss you
Then be yours, and return to me
If God helps me