Juaninacka, El Cirujano & Lasai en el valle

Walk in a shadow of death,
Walk in a shadow of death
Walk in a shadow of death,
Walk in a shadow of death
But I´m willing to make my way
But I´m willing to make my way
Walk in a shadow of death
Walk in a shadow of death
I came slowly and with a good step, without stumbling,
he had little space, that was enough for him
no palace will make you great in this life
nor will all the gold in the world heal that wound
That was when I found a way out and I liked this direction,
my faith is lost when I talk about the world
if things are screwed it is because of the issue
about being first in everything and no one wants to be second
You look for the light in this valley of shadows,
where the biggest cross is the money you buy with
I have nothing to hide for the moment
I only keep the feeling inside so that it doesn't break
If there are too many words I will write them on this sheet of paper
to give love to the palate that likes so much hate
I don't want wars to get on any podium,
I don't understand to the one who closes himself to the obvious
Walk in a shadow of death,
Walk in a shadow of death
Walk in a shadow of death,
Walk in a shadow of death< br/>But I´m willing to make my way
But I´m willing to make my way
Walk in a shadow of death
Walk in a shadow of death
No I know what they're talking about, that everything sounds the same to me
as if I didn't understand, half a word
I only hear blah, blah, conjugations,
bro pronunciations, macabre jokes
The dogs bark ,
magic is not new, the lie is the truth, hocus-pocus
I am graduated in hip jump
I find within myself, what I lose outside but
I only hear blah, blah,
my statement is of no use,
if you die from success or from a bullet,
dig with your hands if you don't have a shovel
Learn to fly, even if you lose ,
because true art is free and not a slave to those who govern
if they want to hang you,
your mission is to learn to untie the knots on the rope
Walk in a shadow of death,
Walk in a shadow of death
Walk in a shadow of death,
Walk in a shadow of death
But I´m willing to make my way
But I´m willing to make my way
Walk in a shadow of death
Walk in a shadow of death