Julio Iglesias la carretera

It's raining and the road is wet
How long the road is, what a long wait
Kilometers passing by thinking about her
What a night, what silence, if she only knew
I'm running thinking about her
The lights of the cars passing by
The noise of trucks accelerating
There are no people on the street, it's raining
The towns along the way They are already sleeping
And I'm running thinking about her
I'm still on the road looking for you
At the end of the road I will find you, I accelerated
The bars are already closing at this time
Hotels for couples always waiting
A train crosses my path, it is long and slow
My thoughts are eating my head
Thinking about her, thinking about her
Thinking, imagining, my doubt increases
I go off on a curve without realizing it
The needle points to one hundred and forty
I'm still on the road looking for
At the end of the road I will find you, I accelerated
It is raining and the road is wet
And I feel jealous, thinking about her
Lost between doubt and fog
I'm running out of gas alone
It's raining and the road is wet
And I'm feeling jealous of his dark circles
It's raining and it's The road is wet
I don't know if he is with someone else, if I knew
It is raining and the road is wet
It is night and there is silence, which long wait