Kahimi Karie le roi soleil

The Sun King is in Verasillles
And I am contemplating retaliation
I am, even if I do not seem
The Sun King is on the move
With his ladies and his mistresses
Between his trees and his fountains
His cupids of eros
The sun king saw me suddenly
Walking in his garden
Before I could approach him
He asked my name
I managed to turn it on
He dragged me into his bed
I said' I poison you
But yet I like you
'Ultra ill sedit the 'nec plus'
'lmpar finds itself 'nev pluribus'
Sees himself superior to all
The sun king
The sun king moves the iron
The sun king in my wound
The sun king, the tender iron
To punish me or to please me
The King Sun did not soften
Nothing could stop him
He only plunged his royal sting
More deeply
I gave up all my tricks
My revolutionary plots
A sun king who can please me
You don't see that every day