Kaija Koo kylmat kyyneleet

the earth, it was covered with dawn,
I can't sleep
even for the first time,
I can't take care of it
do you love me too much.
You don't notice me,
if I don't like myself,
I'm like air,
what if it ends suddenly,
and I wonder if you don't notice me
then neither of us exists
there are only cold tears in my eyes,
I see my sun deepening,
no (?) wash,
I fall asleep and disappear again
back left
you know it, you were once a real person
and only cold tears
s you wanted to scan the heavenly angel
I'm going to be so forward but quiet
s you're not very strong but
I didn't even ask for you
land covered in white
I can make love with my body
but wherever you are
and we will soon fall into it
if you can't love yourself at all
you lost everything that was sacred
with the old sdill day after day
the ground is covered with white, I am alone
but I still have real and hot tears
there are only cold tears in my eyes
cheeks are condensed
there's no salt in them, they don't sting, they don't run freely
s you let the coffee drip even when I pack my things
I have hot tears