Kat sodki krem

Crying rain
Silent rose
Everything gets confused
And sticks to the cross
Everything falls down...
... show more The sources of the leaves
The tarry sky
- a storm is coming
You're afraid of the church cell
Like a poor child
I passed He waited for a miracle
He - a holy man
He gave his hand
Sweet cream
What a strange taste
It's a tribe
Deep in the heart
He was like any priest
When I wanted to bite
He lurked like a tick
Sweet cream
Massal wine
Lots of candles
Sweet cream
You can't avoid poisoning
Later at night I felt sharp pain
I knew it was a sin
In a breathless voice I whispered to you...
- let's pray, let's pray
She pushed him
He fell head down from the pulpit
Things are mockery
There is always mockery in things