Kayliah mamzel rosa

Mamzel Rosa will leave for Paris
Leaving behind her family and friends
Mamzel Rosa will find herself alone
But her grandmother took so that she would not be thrown away
the evil eye
Pa plewé kon sa mamzel mèm si ou ka patin an ba la
Don't cry you'll come back because this is your home
Pa plewé kon sa Rosa mèm si ou ka kité kayla
don't cry you're going to come back because this is your home
Over there you know that he it's going to be cold
There no one will wait for you
There you will be far from home
Oh Mamzel Rosa
Mamzel Rosa put your foot in the sand
And lets herself be caressed by the softness of the waves
Mamzel Rosa no longer laughs out loud
She knows what she is leaving but does not know what she will find
Pre -chorus
mamzel Rosa don't forget us once there
my beautiful Rosa don't forget where you come from
Mamzel Rosa is going to Paris
Leaving behind her
Her family and friends