Kenny Kore atiramipada

But look at me now on my kneels praying to GOD
Open broken I'm down at the alter
I'm down at the alter
âRoyin joy
My son of Mary Rami again
My son of hallelujah
My son of Mary is my hope⦠Ataramipada!
Jehovah deli sub tanbu⦠Atiramipada
one more dikaya ede⦠Atiramipada
Okenmiri lebo kwe eh chinmo⦠Atiramipada
Oniye-lorie ⦠Atiramipada
Jehovah deli sub tanbu⦠Atiramipada ounwe one dikaya edited⦠Atiramipada
Okenmiri lebo kwe eh chinmo⦠Ataramipada
Oniye-lorie ⦠Ataramipada
Old things passed away
Open broken i'm down at the alter
(Meet me at the alter)
I'll be there for you âroyin ayo
Son of Mary rami pada
I'll be sorry for you
Son of Mary so I d 'oosha⦠Ataramipada!
Jehovah deli sub tanbu⦠Atramipada
One dikaya edike⦠Atramipada
Okenmiri lebo kwe eh chinmo⦠Atramipada
Oniye-¦Oniye-lorie Atiramipada
Jehovah deli sub tanbu⦠Atramipada
ounwe one dikaya edike⦠Atramipada
Okenmiri lebo kwe eh chinmo⦠Atramipada
Oniye-lorie ⦠Atramipada You blinded the darkness
With whom you are⦠With whom you are Jehovah
You blinded the darkness in my life
With whom you are yeah!
Ibu chinmoâ¦aaah
Ibu chineke⦦aaahâ¦Atiramipada
Ibu chinmoâ¦aaah
Ibu chinekeâ¦aaah⦦AtiramipadaIbu chinekeâ¦aaahâ¦Atiramipada
Ibu chinekeâ¦aaah
Ibu chineke⦦aaah⦦Atiramipada
Ibu chinmoâ¦aaahâ¦aah
Ibu chinmoâ¦aaah
Ibu chinekeâ¦aaahâ¦Atiramipada
Ibu chinmoâ¦aaah
Ibu chinekeâ¦bra¦aa >Ibu chinmoâ¦aaah
Ibu chinekeâ¦aaahâ¦Atiramipada
Ibu chinmoâ¦aaah
Ibu chinekeâ¦aaahâ¦Atiramipada
mibu chimo !
â¦The End