Khari love yourself

This boy was mean to me at school
He keep callin' me names
Beautiful Daughter
I know the kids can be cruel
Tryna make u feel ashamed call you names at school
But imma' drop some tunes some wisdom you can use
So you wont grow up confused
And verbally abused
Realise, there will be people who criticize
Bullies who talk about ur' weight, color and size
But beauty comes in every size color and shape
And ur' beauty cant be measured with a measurin' tape
Remember, ur' worth isnt determined by ur' weight
And u should never hate what it took God to create
Ur' young smart and beautiful and it'll be who you
Not to be concerned how other may view you
Dont focus on ur' looks read books to improve you
And life dont reply on other people's approval
and like there's No
limit to the things you
can't achieve.
So repeat these words
after me just Say I'm beautiful
I'm beautiful, I'm worthy,
I'm worthy and those mean
Words, and those mean words.
Can't hurt me, I'm priceless,
I'm priceless I'm smart,
I'm smart and I love myself,
and I love myself, and I focus
on my health, I focus on
my health.
My oldest daughter says
she skinny like A stick
and because she
stand there Tight
she wishes she was thick
And she knows
I'm attracted to women
Who I'm big too but I tell
her a women Is much more
than her figure.
So don't hate your body Or
criticize your weight Cause
beauty comes in every Size,
colour and shape and learn
To be your bodies
number one
Supporter because negative
thoughts Lead to eating
disorders so treat yourself
Like somebody you love and
Speak to yourself like
somebody you love and
love your body.
Size zero or above and
then get rid of any thoughts
that say your not enough,
I know the hardest lesson
is learning To love yourself
but eat right
Exercise and focus on your
health I know life can be
a struggle
which I always hug you
and remind you everyday
That I love you.
just say I'm beautiful,
I'm beautiful I'm worthy,
I'm worthy and those
mean words and those
mean words can't hurt me,
can't hurt me
I'm priceless, I'm priceless
I'm smart, I'm smart and
I love myself
And I love myself,
I'm focused on my health.
I'm focused on my health.
I dedicate this song
to every boy and Girl,
to every child who's
been bullied all throughout
the world
Don't ever think that your
worthless Your life has
a purpose
They are better days ahead
So don't be discouraged be confident.
No matter where you come from
Cause it's not where you
from it's who Your destined
to become.
Never give up on your
dreams no matter how
Hard it seems and don't
allow mean words to lower
your Self esteem you can
over come Obstacles nothings
impossible Build up your
confidence and you'll be
unstoppable you can achieve
What your mind can receive
Work hard and most
importantly Is believe.
And most impotently my Daughters
it's been a blessing watching
You grow I'm your father so
to me You'll always be
beautiful Just remember all the words
that are in This song so you can
play it back when I'm dead.
just say I'm beautiful,
I'm beautiful I'm worthy,
I'm worthy and those mean
words and those mean words
can't hurt me, can't hurt me
I'm priceless, I'm priceless I'm smart, I'm smart and I love myself And
I love myself, I'm focused
on my health. I'm focused
on my health.
just say I'm beautiful,
I'm beautiful I'm worthy,
I'm worthy and those mean words
and those mean words can't hurt me,
can't hurt me I'm priceless,
I'm priceless I'm smart, I'm smart
and I love myself And I love myself,
I'm focused on my health.
I'm focused on my health
I'm beautiful, I'm worthy and
those mean Words can't hurt me.