Kill Baby, Kill! diversity

There's nothing wrong with racial pride, so I don't understand the fuss.
Just take a look at the Niggers and Muds, they are even worse than us.
Some say it's wrong to be proud of being white, they say we're all the same.
So why were we born as different races, was it nature playing a game?
I'm proud of what I am, judge me all you want, I don't give a damn.
I'm a white European, true Skinhead.
Loyal to my race until I'm dead.
I'm proud of my bloodline, of my white ancestry.
Well if that makes me a racist, then I'm proud to be.
Some say all men are equal, I can tell you that ain't right.
Pakis, Niggers, Muds and Spics: They sure as hell ain't white.
We all know that Niggers are lazy, while greed reflects the Jew.
These stigmas didn't invent themselves, they exist perhaps they are true.
I'm proud of what I am, judge me all you want, I don't give a damn.
I'm a white European, true Skinhead.
Loyal to my race until I'm dead.
I'm proud of my bloodline, of my white ancestry.
Well if that makes me a racist, then I'm proud to be.
If racism means admitting that's there racial diversity, then you can call me racist and I'm ****ing proud to be.
It ain't about hating the other races, it's about loving your own.
So you see, there's nothing wrong at all, when racial pride is shown.
I'm proud of what I am, judge me all you want, I don't give a damn.
I'm a white European, true Skinhead.
Loyal to my race until I'm dead.
I'm proud of my bloodline, of my white ancestry.
Well if that makes me a racist, then...
I'm proud of what I am, judge me all you want, I don't give a damn.
I'm a white European, true Skinhead.
Loyal to my race until I'm dead.
I'm proud of my bloodline, of my white ancestry.
Well if that makes me a racist, then I'm proud to be.