Kill Matilda party harder party starter

One part Friday night, two parts gin
Mix it all together it’s as sweet as sin
Mix it all together it’s as sweet as a kiss
One part lipstick, two parts fist
Let’s go out cause I just got paid
I wanna drink dance fight and then get laid
We’re too young to stay home in bed
We’ll sleep when we’re old, we’ll sleep when we’re dead
Let’s party harder, start the party tonight
(do a shot grab a beer light it up)
Let’s party harder, start the party tonight
Balls to the wall, I got nothing to lose
You gotta up the ante you got something to prove
All dressed up and got places to go
Gonna go downtown, gonna hold my own
Let’s go out cause I just got paid
I wanna drink dance fight and then get laid
We’re too young to stay home in bed
We’ll sleep when we’re old, we’ll sleep when we’re dead
Let’s party harder, start the party tonight
(do a shot grab a beer light it up)
Let’s party harder, start the party tonight
Start the party tonight
One part lipstick two parts fist
Shaken and stirred, time to get pissed
Gonna have some fun, gonna tie one on
Gonna keep it goin till the break of dawn
Let’s party harder, start the party tonight
(do a shot grab a beer light it up)
Let’s party harder, start the party tonight