Kind Of Like Spitting enjoy the view

sea is rising, bathtub filling, dishes dirty, cinnamon in a teaspoon.
i was the first one and the last one
that was waiting in the green room to see you.
you're in the band. you're in the drinks.
everybody looks so pleased.
it really smiles on you.
it really looks good on you.
leave it open, shut it up, talk too much, talk too much.
around the globe, dub video.
sure, the kids love you.
and all the pleasantries
all the units moved.
why can't you be consistent with me?
so stoned _
i've seen your work before.
there's not a lot to look at.
i've seen your work before.
a grim and total setback.
a country goes to war.
crooks with wound up axes
poems have no point.
earth is off its axis.
so we're just pulling through with 40 bags and crews.
i bought three dollar shoes one half size too small
but i'm hoping that the canvas will widen.