Kispl s A Borz a 60 as vek vge

Kispál and The Badger
The Sun and the Moon
The End of the 60s
Tuck into the closet'
Look at daddy's fault cloudy sky
summer, full moon
I remember wonderful times
We ate a huge sandwich
Dad with clouds
It's good that the 60s are over for years
and it won't come again
Go into the closet'
Look after mom, dad
It's good to be married ge has this year
and other good things after that
We ate a huge sandwich
Apa's cloud
It's good that the 60's are over for years
I don't go away again
Turkey in the closet'
Look at daddy's lamb cloud
Sun, full moon
I remember great times
We ate a huge sandwich
Dad's ice cream
It's good that the 80s are over
It's not come again