Knorkator ich geb es auf

Silent dance of light and dust,
Pages fall out of the book,
What I believe in appears pale,
I've forgotten what I'm looking for.
No thought stirs anymore,< br/>I don't feel my body,
and the silence is heavy
on my stone face.
I remain motionless,
tired of being there.
Is space infinitely large,
or am I just that small?
Did time fly by,
or did it just stand still?
Is there nothing around,< br/>Or can I no longer see?
I give up.
I can't do it.
I close the door
and turn off the light.
I close the door
and turn off the light.
/>I tried,
It shouldn't be.
I lie down
and fall asleep.
Withered leaf on rotten wood,
damp moss on cold stone ,
white snow on pale skin,
I can't think of anything else.
So I put down the pen,
read the words again.
It's not that bad,
but it's not exactly brilliant either.